The 6.5 Creedmoor SRP (Small Rifle Primer) Cartridge from Peterson Cartridge is meticulously crafted on our state-of-the-art case line, utilizing cutting-edge technology to deliver some of the most precise and consistent casings available in the market. Committed to producing Match-Grade Brass, Peterson Cartridge Co ensures that our customers can achieve more reloads per casing compared to the industry average.
For those considering loading above SAAMI max pressure and concerned about primer-pocket leak, Peterson recommends trying our 6.5 Creedmoor Small Rifle Primer. While we do not advocate loading beyond SAAMI max pressures, our small primer pocket 6.5 Creedmoor casings have demonstrated resilience when tested in our universal receiver.
A word of caution: Only use Peterson Cartridge Co. casings in firearms that are in good condition, specifically designed, marked, and chambered for this cartridge. Our casings should not be utilized for purposes other than their intended use and testing. Peterson Cartridge Co assumes no responsibility for any issues arising from the misuse of our casings.
Many competitive shooters favor Small Rifle Primer pockets (SRP) due to their extended primer pocket life and the belief that they offer more consistent ignition, potentially leading to improved groupings and lower velocity spreads. However, it's important to note that SRP are not recommended for use in extreme temperatures. Additionally, Small Rifle Primer Brass may require your firearm's firing pin to be bushed, depending on your rifle and bolt configuration. Failure to do so may result in pierced primers.
To ensure a smooth reloading and shooting experience, we strongly advise consulting with your gunsmith and understanding your rifle's setup before using SRP brass. Taking these precautions will help ensure a more enjoyable experience without encountering any issues.